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How I Use Technology To Stay Organized
Tailored Organizing’s owner, Jen Warwick, shares her top apps that help her keep on track and stay organized.
Maximize Your Black Friday Deals Without Adding Clutter
Owner of Tailored Organizing in Salem, OR - Jen Warwick shares some of her favorite tips for shopping Black Friday deals and keeping clutter at bay.
4 Dorm Room Essentials for a Successful School Year
Woot! Woot! It’s that time of year again, back-to-school and Target is having a sale! Tailored Organizing’s owner, Jen, shares her top 4 dorm essentials for every college student in this blog.
Ikea’s Midsummer Sale
Ikea is hosting their annual Midsummer Sale and Tailored Organizing’s owner, Jen, shares some of her Ikea faves that are on sale!
Don’t “Should” On Yourself…
Tailored Organizing’s owner Jen shares her thoughts on “shoulding” on one’s self and why she thinks we need to stop.
Demystifying Decluttering
Decluttering can be a loaded word for some causing stress and anxiety when they hear it. In this blog, Tailored Organizing’s owner + professional organizer, Jen Warwick, demystifies the word in hope to help those who are overwhelmed by the idea of decluttering their homes.
Getting Started - “If you build it they will come…”
“If you build it, they will come.”
-Shoeless Joe Jackson, Field of Dreams